A Clean & Green Pensacola

Pensacola’s Keep Beautiful local affiliate, Clean & Green has partnered with Escambia County Parks and Recreation to initiate an Adopt-A-Park program. Through the program, organizations, groups, schools and neighborhood associations can adopt a park in Escambia County.

By adopting a park, sponsors agree to visit their park at least once a month to collect litter and debris and host an annual cleanup day during the Great American Cleanup, which runs from March 1 to March 31.

Pensacola’s Naval Air Station local chapter of Coalition of Services Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD) is the first Adopt-A-Park sponsor. The group will be sponsoring Lexington Terrace Park, located at 700 S. Old Corry Field Rd. The organization is planning a wellness expo later this month. Their first cleanup event will be April 13 at 9 a.m.

Escambia County benefits from this park sponsorships not just because it’s more visually appealing, but because theses sponsorships and partnerships bring the community together.

“Getting groups engaged and involved, from businesses to individuals is necessary to keep our parks maintained and inviting,” said Jill Cleaver, executive assistant at Clean & Green.

For more information, visit cleanandgreen.org
