ATU opposes Mayor Hayward’s decision to withhold gas tax from ECAT

ECAT Protest
Press Release: The ATU Local 1395 will be holding “X” Day next Thursday, Feb. 14. At the Press Conference/Event the Union and customers will be painting big giant “X” on buses.

The Union will be showing the public, bus riders, and elected officials one possible result of $700,000 to a million dollars cut out of the transit service. Approximately 7 to 10 bus routes will be tagged by the “X” and show how many people would be without bus service with that service reduction.

This action is a direct response by the Union to the announcement by Escambia County Commission Chairman Gene Valentino’s announcement last Thursday morning at the committee of the whole. He stated that Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward proposal to use proceeds from a recently passed gas tax by the County he (Mayor) intends to sweeten the pot in a highly competitive race to land a Singapore aerospace company at the city airport. Instead of directing the funding to ECAT which was the purpose of the funding the Mayor is attempting to have the city council redirect the funding.

The Union has supported a dedicated gas tax for Mass Transit (ECAT) since 2007 and is encouraging the members of the City Council to not only support the bus system by approving the gas tax for ECAT but allow the city to have a joint effort in how the system run with the County.

ATU Local 1395
X Day

When: 7:45-8 a.m. Tuesday. Feb. 14
Where: ECAT Bus Station (Rosa Park Transfer Complex) 1515 W. Fairfield Dr.
