Beggs & Lane, Hook Bolton win $12.9M Accutane case

Hook Bolton and Beggs & Lane, along with Seeger Weiss, won in New Jersey Superior Court judgments totaling $12.9 million from pharmaceutical maker Hoffman-La Roche on the behalf of three Florida residents took Accutane as teens and developed inflammatory bowel disease.

The three plaintiffs are Kelly Mace, 25, of Pensacola, along with Jordan Speisman, 27, of Gainesville, and Lance Sager, 28, of Ft. Lauderdale. All were first prescribed Accutane nearly a decade ago while still in their teens to relieve adolescent acne. All three succumbed to various forms of IBD, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, while taking Accutane or shortly thereafter.

The jury awarded Mr. Speisman approximately $8.64 million; Mr. Sager $2.62 million and Ms. Mace approximately $1.63 million. Punitive damages were not sought in the case.

Local members of the trial team included Michael Hook and Steve Bolton of Hook Bolton and Mary Jane Bass, Jack Lurton and Jack Zoesch of the Beggs & Lane.

Plaintiffs represented jointly by law firms Hook Bolton; Seeger Weiss; and Beggs & Lane
