Daily ignores City of Pensacola crime problem, murders tripled in 2012

Jail Bars
In its Friday edition, the daily newspaper attempts to go after Sheriff David Morgan for the rise in crime rate last year but ignores the much steeper increase in violent crimes inside the city of Pensacola.

Let’s compare the crime stats for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for 2012 and 2011. The 5.9 increase in crime is tied  primarily to increases in burglary (556) and  Aggravated Assault (236).


Escambia County
2012 2011  Change
Population  247,489  247,322  167
Index Crime  13,245  12,510
Change  5.9  1.0
Murder  15  14  1
Forcible sex  132  140  (8)
Robbery  412  463  (51)
Agg. Assault  1,401  1,165  236
Burglary  3,156  2,600  556
Larceny  7,579  7,543  36
Car Theft  550  585  (35)
Crime Rate  5,352  5,058
Rate Change  5.8  4.9

However, the ECSO’s percentage of cleared cases is the highest since 2005:

Cleared %
2012 26.3
2011 20.9
2010 22.8
2009 25.3
2008 25.8
2007 25.1
2006 23.5
2005 26.7

The City of Pensacola had a huge jump in murders in 2012–which more than tripled. Burglaries and Aggravated Assaults are also up.

Pensacola 2012 2011  Change
Population  52,022  51,939  83
Index Crime  3,505  3,357
Change  4.4  13.2
Murder  7  2  5
Forcible sex  30  28  2
Robbery  89  102  (13)
Agg. Assault  347  251  96
Burglary  711  610  101
Larceny  2,201  2,226  (25)
Car Theft  120  138  (18)
Crime Rate  6,738  6,436
Rate Change  4.2  18.5

Pensacola’s seven murders are the most since the city began reporting its crime stats to FDLE in 2001:


2012 7
2011 2
2010 3
2009 3
2008 4
2007 3
2006 1
2005 1
2004 1
2003 4
2002 1
2001 3


When you compare the crime rates of the county with the city (per 100,000 people), Pensacola has a bigger problem:


Escambia Pensacola
Murder 6.06 13.41
Forcible sex 53.34 57.47
Robbery 166.47 170.49
Agg. Assault 566.09 664.72
Burglary 1275.21 1362.01
Larceny 3062.36 4216.30
Car Theft 222.23 229.88

Recommendation for the daily: It’s best to look at all the statistics before using them.
