DIB reacts to complaints and will close Palafox for Trick or Treat event on Oct. 30

From DIB:

We are planning for this year’s Downtown Trick or Treat event and have heard from several sources that closing Palafox Place would be a good idea given the size of the crowd and the fact that we are encouraging lots of small children to come to Downtown Pensacola.

We understand that the closing of Palafox creates some burdens and unique challenges for the Downtown businesses but we also recognize that it is very important to have Downtown be a safe and inviting venue for all types of events.

I believe we should close Palafox for the Trick or Treat event, starting the closure at 3:15 and reopening the street by roughly 6:30. Please let me know if you see a significant problem with closing the street for a few hours on October 30th for this event. Please also read the excerpt below from one such interested:

Thank you, Ron Butlin

“Since the streets will not be closed, our family will not participate in the event this year. It’s disappointing because this is a great event with lots of participation from the community and businesses; however another adult and I took three children ages 3-6 last year and, with no street closures and no police officers, the traffic was a very real threat to the safety of the participants. Cars sped through intersections after becoming impatient waiting for us to cross the side streets of Palafox. In addition, participating parents were trying to drop children every so many stores which caused a traffic jam and more hostile driving which included cars passing in no-passing zones up and down Palafox.

I worry that if someone is injured during the event, that will be the end of trick or treating downtown. Considering the great publicity we are receiving for being one of the most fun streets in America, I anticipate that you will have a larger crowd this year than last year.

I understand there is a cost to close the streets (even with the addition of the bollards that I supported through PYP) and I hope in the future you will be able to secure a sponsor similar to the Gallery Night closures. Maybe it’s not too late…”
