ECAT fully operational on Friday, May 2

Representatives from Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) are pleased to announce the system will return to full service Friday, May 2, 2014. All vehicles have been carefully inspected and deemed safe and operational. All roadways along ECAT routes have also been cleared, so buses and the University of West Florida (UWF) trolleys will run along their normal routes on their normal schedules.

“We are so thankful to the community for their patience during this time,” said Tonya Ellis, Director of Marketing and Community Relations for ECAT. “We know that many in our community rely upon ECAT service, so their understanding as we worked to ensure our buses were safe is much appreciated.”

ECAT’s main facility, Rosa Parks Terminal on Fairfield, sustained significant damage from the flooding and has limited operating capacity. However, customers will be able to purchase tickets in the front on the outside of the building with no issue. ECAT encourages all passengers to use caution and remain safe at bus stops and while boarding buses in many areas of the county. Any customers with questions should contact the ECAT main line at 850-595-3228.

“We are thrilled to be back up and operational,” Herold Humphrey, General Manager of ECAT. “Our ECAT Maintenance and other staff did an outstanding job of thoroughly checking each bus and trolley to ensure the safety of our employees and passengers. Without their dedication and tireless efforts, we would not be able to resume service tomorrow.”

For more information about ECAT, please visit or call ECAT Marketing Director Tonya Ellis at 850-595-3228, ext. 213.
