Mack delivers the smack

Councilman-elect Diane Mack is upset with the political appraisal given by an Innisfree director on the chances of passing the airport lease.

Mr. Richard Chism
Director of Development
Innisfree Hotels
Baybridge Professional Park, Bldg. 113
Gulf Breeze, FL 32561

Dear Mr. Chism:

I have this morning seen your email of November 5 regarding strategy to secure the desired vote on the airport hotel agreement. Be advised that I consider your remarks regarding me insulting and offensive. If this were 1808 instead of 2008, your questioning of my honor and integrity would have been answered by an invitation to meet at dawn. The matter requires an immediate apology from you and Mr. MacQueen, who is complicit in this affair.

Diane Mack
City of Pensacola
At Large 8

Check out what upset her on
