Mayor tries to rein in Council Executive pay

Mayor Ashton Hayward is trying to rein in the Pensacola City Council on its search for an council executive. At its last workshop, the council had narrowed their selection to two candidates–a county administrator from Louisiana and a deputy city manager from south Florida. A salary range from $90,000–$130,000 was discussed.

Hayward sent a memo to the Pensacola City Council on August 2 stating that the salary range that he approved for the position is at the C-03 range ($40,456–$82,742). Until the council makes its recommendation to the mayor, he is assigning Elaine Mager to the Office of City Council, who has over 25 years with the city and was most recently the executive assistant to former City Manager Al Coby.

Read memo: Mayor Mager memo

This should set off some fireworks at the next Committee of the Whole meeting.
