OMR poll says citizens support allowing Code Enforcement to have guns

Press Release:On the heels of the Escambia County Commissioner’s recent discussion to arm and protect Escambia Code Enforcement Officers, Open Market Research, conducted a study to see what the citizens thought of the idea.

The first question asked the participant their opinion on deputizing and arming code enforcement officers. The result, only 38% said yes with just over 22.5% saying know leaving the rest undecided and needing more information about this discussion.

However on the second question asking their opinion of code enforcement officers with concealed weapons permits being able to take their gun with them on the job; the result, nearly 50% said yes, 22% said no and the left were left undecided or needing more information.

“I think this shows the public understanding of the dangers facing even code enforcement officers in Escambia County” OMR Principal Greg Fink states.

The survey was conducted of 400 likely voters in Escambia County at 7pm April 13, 2011. The study was conducted by using touchpad Interactive Voice Response system. The margin of error on this study is +/-5%.

For full results, please visit
