Pensacola Beach is the Wild West

Who is in charge of the cleanup/cover up activities on Pensacola Beach? Heavy equipment is destroying the beach daily. I have a confirmed report from a county official that at least one sand dune has been leveled to provide access to the beach for the equipment.

Areas of beach are being roped off by BP contractors, who don’t have the authority to do so. When Sheriff’s deputies pull up the stakes, oil has been found on the tips.

BP seems to be totally surprised by the buried oil, even though we and other media have been reporting it since June 24. Dan Thomas took BP spokesperson Lucia Bustamante to Pensacola Beach on Monday. Here is the exchange when Thomas pointed out buried oil

“Yeah I know why is it there?”

“Well now that I know where it is, I can talk to supervisors and get crews over here”

—-It takes a reporter with a shovel to help BP find the oil? See the broadcast

