PYP Whitepaper: BP Oil Spill’s impact on Tourism

Press Release: PENSACOLA, Fla. (May 17, 2011) – On April 20, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico and leaked approximately 205 million of gallons in the Gulf at the peak of tourist season in Northwest Florida. It was the largest man-made environmental disaster in the history of the United States.

The after-effect of the spill on tourism in Pensacola is the subject of a compelling Webisode and corresponding white paper produced by Pensacola Young Professionals. First in a series of white papers and Webisodes that will address topics identified as “hot buttons” by area voters, the May Webisode covers the widespread local impacts and coordinated efforts to maintain the local tourism industry. Webisodes and white papers are available online at

The May Webisode is mediated by Stephanie Terek, chair of government affairs for PYP. “The results of last summer’s voter survey by Better Pensacola Forum showed that the BP oil spill was at the top of everyone’s mind,” said Terek. “We found it to be a great topic to explore, and hope the resulting white paper and Webisode will show how Pensacola survived, how we are still coping and what we can expect going forward in regards to local tourism.”

For more information contact Rachael Gillette, director of PYP. To view the Webisode or download the white paper, go to Find voter survey results from 2008, 2009 and 2010 at
