Sansing Foundation presents $14K donation to CHSF

Children’s Home Society of Florida received a $14,400 donation on behalf of the Sansing Foundation. Funds will benefit the organization’s Transitional Living Program, an initiative helping young adults who’ve become homeless, are at-risk of becoming homeless or who’ve exited foster care without families successfully transition to adulthood.

“We are very thankful for the Sansing Foundation’s donation to our youth Transitional Living Program – M-Power. This gift and the Foundation’s ongoing support has been essential to providing a safe home to young people struggling to move toward independent living,” said Tim Putman, executive director of Children’s Home Society of Florida.

A component of the organization’s M-Power program, youth participating in the Transitional Living Program are afforded the opportunity to receive support with housing, life skills, education, employment and health needs. Young adults may receive services for up to 18 months.

“We are so fortunate to help the young men and women at M-Power,” said Stephanie White, community affairs director of the Sansing Foundation. “It is a blessing to be able to assist them as they enter the working world and transition into adulthood.”

To learn more about Children’s Home Society of Florida’s local initiatives, please visit
