Sheriff Morgan questions Scott’s budget

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan has written Gov. Rick Scott making it clear that he believes the newly-elected governor has been getting “less than stellar advice” on his first budget.
Morgan told Scott that he can’t approach governance like it’s a hostile corporate takeover. “The public sector is not about making a profit,” wrote Morgan.
He recommended that the governor compile a list of agencies and tasks performed, then delineate “want vs. need.” Morgan, who served on Scott’s transition team, is concerned about the discussions in Tallahassee to eliminate the Florida Highway Patrol, an agency Morgan wrote was “the flagship law enforcement agency for the state.”
Morgan also criticized talk of cutting funds for the Department of Children and Families. While it may draw applause with certain audiences, Morgan questioned whether such a budget decision might be counter-productive in protecting children and would simply push the costs down to the counties.
The Sheriff wrote that while the recommendations to reduce the budgets of FHP, DCF and state hospitals may help balance the state budget, the need for those services cannot be eliminated.
“This current approach is a little akin to making the observation that ‘my house has never caught on fire, so therefore I have no need for fire insurance. Let’s cancel it,’” wrote Morgan. “Our house is on fire, Governor. Others and I stand ready to lend a semblance of sanity by forming a fire brigade.
“We must seek, identify and implement alternative approaches. I fear that many of the current initiatives will only result in long-term devastating outcomes.”
