Buzz: Remembering Mike Green

Yesterday ECUA officially dedicated the new Central Reclamation Center, which is a truly impressive complex. During the invocation, ECUA board member Lois Benson briefly mentioned…

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MPDP Out of Compliance with EBO

Promises Kept or Broken – Part IV The problems with the Maritime Park’s EBO Agreement program and the failure to live up to the Covenant…

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ECUA Puts “Green” Vehicle On Road

This week the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority introduced a new hybrid sanitation vehicle to its fleet—hoping to cut costs and help the environment by using…

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Exclusive: BP screwed up Exxon Valdez cleanup, too

I have been trying to get a handle on what we can truly expect from British Petroleum with this Gulf oil spill. Earlier in the…

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Building green

The Mobile Press Register reports that builders there are building more environmentally friendly homes and offices. Building green is the new buzz word, said Mark…

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Pssst, Cities are going green

The Sarasota Herald Tribune reports that the latest trend for cities is for them to be green – more eco-friendly, walkable, workable and liveable (See…

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