Gov. Scott no longer uses email for official business

The Orlando Sentinel reports that Gov. Rick Scott has quit using any email for state business. “The governor now only uses email to communicate with…

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McCollum batters Scott in debate

Finally Attorney General Bill McCollum got to swing back at his opponent in the Florida governor’s race, Rick Scott. After months of Scott buying television…

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Scott’s depos sealed

GOP candidate for governor, Rick Scott, has had more than his share of lawsuits and government investigations over the past 15 years—medicare fraud, discrimination and,…

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BP cut corners at Deepwater

The Orlando Sentinel reports that have obtained documents that BP chose a less-expensive, less-reliable method for completing the Deepwater Horizon well. …BP’s choice of well…

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Battle of GOP Credit Cards

The Rubio camp – and the new head of the Florida GOP, James Thrasher – are firing back at Gov. Crist, the former party chief…

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Story appointed to State Education Board

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that Gulf Power CEO/President Susan Story has been appointed by Gov. Charlie Crist to the state Board of Education. Read…

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Class-size battle brewing

Florida voters in 2002 changed the state’s constitution to require smaller class sizes in their public schools. Since then, the Florida legislature, Gov. Jeb Bush…

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Hospitals without real need

For years Baptist Hospital has been trying to put beds in its Nine Mile Road facility and make it a full hospital. West Florida Hospital…

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Property tax Q & A

The daily has devoted days of coverage to property taxes, and I still get questions about what is the real impact. The Orlando Sentinel did…

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