Touart fallout

There are several points still being discussed around town about the Touart debacle:

1 Is County Attorney Janet Lander’s job in jeopardy? She came across about being more concerned about George Touart’s paycheck than the county. Why did she not ask for a state ethics ruling or for the state attorney to investigate?

2. Where is State Attorney Bill Eddins? There is a rumor that Clerk of Court Ernie Lee Magaha asked Eddins to investigate and Eddins refused. There is another one out there that Eddins is investigating. We will make some calls today on this.

3. Will Sheriff Ron McNesby hire Touart so that he will qualify for state retirement? McNesby has several of his buddies on the payroll in administrative positions. Another possibility is for Holly Benson (Sec. of Business Regulation) to give him a job for six months.
