Wahoos, Woodlands and Fans for the Cure team up to strike out Prostate Cancer

The Pensacola Blue Wahoos have joined forces with Ed Randall’s Fans for the Cure and Woodlands Medical Specialists.

Ed Randall’s Fans for the Cure, is a national charitable organization, dedicated to the proposition of spreading the twin gospels of prostate cancer awareness and the life-saving value of early detection, of which Ed Randall, a cancer survivor, can attest.

To carry on the mission of Fans for the Cure in Pensacola, Woodlands Medical Specialists will be onsite during the Blue Wahoos game to provide free, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screenings for men age 45–69. This test is a simple blood test and when measured, the PSA level can increase the chance of finding prostate cancer when it is very early.

The men’s restrooms at the ballpark are currently painted with educational murals to promote prostate cancer awareness as well as to educate male game patrons about other urological health related issues.

“It is our goal to educate men about preventive care and health related issues and the men’s restrooms at the ballpark provides the ideal opportunity to begin the dialogue,” says Woodlands Urologist, Dr. David Bernstein.

WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 13, Blue Wahoos vs. Mobile BayBears

WHERE: Pensacola Bayfront Stadium – First Aid Room

WHY: “One and six men will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in their lifetime and early detection can save lives,” says Dr. Jeffrey Wolters, Woodlands Urologist. Dr. Wolters also “urges men to be proactive about their health and start the conversation with their physician about Prostate Cancer screening beginning at the age 40.”
