Who will replace Mel Martinez

The biggest name being batted around is popular former Gov. Jeb Bush. However, I wouldn’t rule out MSNBC host and former Congressman Joe Scarborough. Yes, he’s moved to the Washington, D.C., but I don’t think he’s sold his Pensacola home yet. Joe did very well as political analyst during the election and has a high profile. The question will be whether he can raise the necessary campaign funds in this depressed economy.

This is really not that far-fetched. Fellow network host Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s Hardball is reportedly considering a run against Senator Arlen Spector (R-Pa) in 2010 (read more).

Others GOP names being mentioned:
former House Speakers Allan Bense (brother of UWF pres. Judy Bense) and Marco Rubio
Congressmen Jeff Miller, Vern Buchanan, Adam Putnam and Connie Mack
Attorney General Bill McCollum
and maybe even Gov. Charlie Crist
