Sheriff gives take on the budget (updated)

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office made its presentation to the Board of County Commissioners. He told the BOCC that his office budget has only increased $646,467 since 2007–only .008 percent.

Five Year Budget Trends
(in millions) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Board Operating Costs $   38.30 $   52.20 $   48.20 $   45.10 $   45.10
Law Enforcement $   45.90 $   48.00 $   46.50 $   43.80 $   44.70
Detention & Court Security $   30.50 $   31.70 $   32.20 $  30.90 $   32.40
Elected Officials $   15.30 $   17.20 $   16.30 $   15.70 $   15.60
Total General Fund $205.8 $203.0 $191.9 $174.9 $174.3

Here is the table in graph form: Five year trend
