2008 City Council unsung heroes for Palafox Street honor

The American Planning Association (APA) has announced the designation of Palafox Street—from Wright Street to Pensacola Bay—as one of 10 Great Streets for 2013.

The honor is a testament to the Pensacola’s Historic Preservation, Architecture Review and Downtown Improvement boards and to the business and property owners along this great street – but also to city staff and the 2008 Pensacola City Council.

In the announcement, APA CEO Paul Farmer recognized the impact of opening up South Palafox to two-way traffic — which was a controversial decision five years ago.

APA CEO Paul Farmer, FAICP, said, “Planners also helped improve business activity along the street and enhanced Palafox as a successful entrance to downtown by converting the street back to a two-way thoroughfare.”

The Pensacola City Council passed making Palafox two-way in October 2008. John Fogg was the mayor and the council included P.C. Wu, Sam Hall, Mike DeSorbo, Marty Donovan, John Jerralds, Jewel Cannada-Wynn, Ronald Townsend, Jack Nobles and Mike Wiggins. Tom Bonfield was the city manager. Kim Kimbrough was the DIB executive director.

Sometimes it takes years for a decision to have an impact and be recognized. That was one of those decisions.
