Rick's Blog

350 Pensacola: Students on Ice

Join 350 Pensacola as they follow the journey of a group of students and their instructor on an expedition to the Arctic to see firsthand the impacts of a warming planet. Gulf Breeze’s Michael Wymant annually leads a group of students to the far north as they explore, document, and measure how climate change affects the Arctic. Wymant will shares photos, stories, and results of the student’s work 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 24 at the Bayview Senior Center, 2000 E. Lloyd St.

Wymant is an environmentalist with over 15 years of professional experience. He has led educational programming for students primarily in North America but has also taught in the Arctic and Africa. He is the National Ready Mix Concrete Association’s vice president of building innovations, based in Gulf Breeze.

Wymant holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Western Ontario, a master’s certificate in real estate from Northwestern University and a master’s of environment and business from the University of Waterloo.

The presentation is part of a monthly speaker series on climate change and related issues sponsored by 350 Pensacola. For more details, visit 350pensacola@gmail.com.

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