Achieve Escambia follows proven model

Achieve Escambia is the name of a collective community effort focused on improving education & workforce outcomes for our community– “Every child, every step of the way, cradle to career.”

From the a recent email:

Escambia County has the opportunity to approach education like rowing a boat. If everyone is rowing in different directions, our boat doesn’t go anywhere. When everyone agrees on the same direction, our boat begins to make progress. And when we decide to collectively row in union, our boat quickly begins to pick up speed. We need coordinated vision & action, a shared strategy and structured process for collective action to improve outcomes. Join us as we chart this course toward greater educational achievement – for our students, for our families, for our future.

The initiative has four work teams:

Vision and Mission Contact: Thomas Greek,

Outcomes and Indicators Contact: Jennifer Grove & Jennifer McFarren,

Accountability and Governance Contact: Kerry Eaton,

Communications and Community Engagement Contact: Jeff Rogers & Bill Pearson,

Over 200 people attended the April 11 Summit to learn more about the Collective Impact framework and refine foundational aspects of Achieve Escambia.

In June 2015, we wrote about a similar effort in the Gainesville area: Alachua County Bans Together for Education. The model has worked elsewhere.

To learn more, visit their website.