5,605 watch Naturals in new ballpark

Under clear skies (51 degrees), 5,605 fans watched the Northwest Ark. Naturals lose a heart breaker, 3-1, to San Antonio.

Baseball, new stadium, family fun…..what a concept.

Where is the City with cutting the grass on the park property? Here is a report from Friends of the Community Maritime Park that volunteered to do it. They have gotten bogged doing something that the City Parks & Recreation Dept. could do in a couple day.

From Friends report to CMPA board:

Friends’ Board of Trustees members Glenn C. Obert and Kenneth E. Lamb met with city officials on 4/10/2008, to discuss implementing a clean-up project for the CMP site.

A sequence line was developed to organize the various projects that will be included in the overall goals of the project. They are:

A) Secure a “special event” insurance policy in the amount of $1-million indemnifying the CMPA and the city. Friends’ will contact potential insurers, and they will be instructed to contact Mr. Spears for concise instructions for the policy.

B) Develop a timeline for the projects. At present they are a) stake out the locations of well heads on the property; b) create a wetlands map for further use meeting environmental concerns; c) contact the UWF department of Geographical Information Systems to develop a GPS map of the above; d) general policing of the area; e) Bush hog the area; f) ID trees into 1 of 3 categories – Red Tag = Must be preserved or replanted, White Tag = trash growth that can be destroyed if necessary, Green Tag = Trees that can stay awaiting further use study; g) arrange for trash removal either through the site or through community donations to the tax-deductible Friends’ organization.
