Rick's Blog

AHERO: ‘We are our brothers’ keepers’

PENSACOLA–At the eighth annual AHERO Warrior Hook-Up Pensacola Beach, participants shared their struggles with PTSD and other health issues in a testimonial journal. With the permission of those who transcribed their struggles, we are sharing some of the journal entries in recognition of Suicide Awareness Month.  Readers can comment and maybe add to the story.



“The days leading up to AHERO trip I was questioning  if I rate to even come to this event. I don’t have a Purple Heart or Combat Action Ribbon. That was a feeling like I didn’t rate to come to this event–after all, I was injured  due to Blue-on-Blue while deployed to Iraq in 2008. I felt that my situation would be laughed at or even joked upon. My brother Zac assured me that isn’t the case. From the moment I shook another vet’s hand and looked them in the eye, I was at ease. I lowered my walls and opened up to Vietnam vets, Desert Storm and OIF OEF vets. We explained our stories to each other, our hardships since being out, and we connected via social media, phone numbers and email addresses to stay connected after this ARHERO event was over. We are our brothers’ keepers overseas and back state side.”



If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911 immediately.

For more on AHERO, visit here.

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