Rick's Blog

Poll: District 1 incumbents lead their races

The 2020 primaries are nine months away. Inweekly hired the Political Matrix to check the temperature of District 1 Republicans.

The polling service surveyed 422 likely Republican Escambia District 1 voters and found the incumbents in the race for County Commissioner and ECUA ahead. However, there are still a large number of undecided voters in these contested races–which isn’t unusual since the candidates haven’t started campaigning that much.

Jeff Bergosh has nearly a 12-point lead over Casey, with 36 percent undecided. In the 2016 GOP primary, Bergosh garnered 41 percent of the vote in a three-person race. Casey received 29.8 percent and Karen Sindel 29.4%.

County Commission
Responses  422 Total %
Jeff Bergosh (i) 160 37.9
Jesse Casey 110 26.1
Undecided 152 36.0


For the District 1 ECUA seat, Vicky Campbell has a solid lead of more than 20 percentage points. Half of the voters surveyed were undecided.

Responses  422 Total %
Debra Brusso 58 13.7
Vicky Campbell (i) 150 35.5
Undecided 214 50.7



County District 1 voters with a voting score of 100% for the general election cycles. The voters called were those only with landlines and were called using an Interactive Voice Response during the hours of 3-8 p.m.  on November 17-18. The Margin of Error for this study is +/- 4.5% with a confidence level of 95%. Please see details on the following pages.

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