GOP takes on Edwards

John Edwards


John Edwards supports a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Iraq.

John Cox disagrees.

John Edwards has joined Dianne Feinstein and. Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan), the next chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in demanding that the Bush administration let our terrorist enemies know exactly when we will be pulling up our stakes and going home.

John Cox disagrees.

During your Talk Show interview with John Cox, the conservative 2008 GOP Presidential Contender adeptly refutes the position of John Edwards and Carl Levin, who stated, “We cannot save the Iraqis from themselves. The only way for Iraqi leaders to squarely face that reality is for President Bush to tell them that the United States will begin a phased redeployment of our forces within four to six months.”

During your interview, Cox explains just how demoralizing it is for our troops to be hear the news that Democrats like John Edwards want them to cut and run, a strategy that may be just what the doctor ordered for weary terrorists to become emboldened enough to “hang in there” another few months until they achieve “victory” over US.

Cox calls upon Americans to continue supporting our troops until their job is done and to give them a true hero’s welcome upon their return, unlike the disgrace felt by so many US troops returning from Vietnam.

John H. Cox, 51, is the former president of the Cook County (IL) Republican Party. He is a CPA, real estate broker, attorney, investment advisor and financial planner. He is the first announced Republican candidate of the 2008 presidential race. Thirty states now have state coordinators, and the Cox for President Campaign has over 130 county coordinators organizing in early primary/caucus states

John Cox lives in Chicago, IL with his wife and four daughters. For more information, visit
