UWF People on the Move

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Regina Sakalarios-Rogers, English and Foreign Languages, had her story, “Pillaged,” published by “Toasted Cheese” online, a highly ranked online literary publication. The story was also recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize, which is the most honored literary project in America.

John Todorovich, Health, Leisure and Exercise Science, was awarded the Taylor Dodson Award, presented by the Southern District American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (SDAAHPERD). The award is given to a professional under the age of 40 who works in the areas of health, physical education, recreation and dance.

Steve Vodanovich, Psychology and Chris Piotrowski had their article, “Workaholism and Work-Family Conflict: a review and conceptual framework,” published in the recent issue of the Organization Development Journal.

The Haas Center for Business Research and Economic Development was awarded $24,000 by the Okaloosa County School District (OCSD) to provide contract services for a customer satisfaction survey to provide information to school officials and to comply with school improvement and accountability legislation. Results will be analyzed by school, by zone, by elementary schools as a whole, by middle schools as a whole and by high schools as a whole. The report format will be appropriate for distribution to individual principals; containing overall analysis of the survey results as well as individual school results. The Haas Center was also contracted by the Fort Walton Beach CRA in the amount of $19,200 to develop its market forecast and economic development projection components for an updated master plan. Rick Harper, Haas Center director, will act as principal investigator on this project. Harper and the Haas Center staff will revise the existing Section 4.10 with updated information on existing market conditions. This will include retail sales data with a breakout by major category (using NAICS categories) for several time periods and discussion of the economic drivers associated with major usage categories. Harper and the Haas Center staff will also update and expand the information provided in Section 4.11 regarding housing market conditions. They will use parcel-specific maps of the CRA area to illustrate different existing land uses for the separate neighborhoods/corridors identified within the CRA area.
