Press Release:
As Wildlife Death Tolls Climbs, PATH Inc., Calls On US Department of
Interior and US Department of Justice To Take Action To Save Wildlife
People Protecting Animals & Their Habitats – PATH Inc. – is calling on
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to take over management and communications
related to rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife harmed by Deepwater
Horizon spill, and for US Department of Justice to bring Suit against
BP for Violation of the Endangered Species, Marine Mammal Protection,
Migratory Bird Treaty and Clean Water Acts.

New Orleans, LA;
People Protecting Animals & Their Habitats – PATH Inc. is calling on BP
to step aside from all aspects of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation
related to the Deep Horizon spill. In early May, PATH called for BP
to release accurate statistics on the numbers of wildlife harmed by the
spill. On May 8th, in response to the continued lack of information
being released by BP about the effects on wildlife from the spill, PATH
began publishing a nightly “BP Dead Animal Count” – a count that
numbers 36,229 as of June 8th. Kelly Overton, PATH’s Executive
Director, says the count is a very conservative estimate of the number
of wildlife deaths that would be expected to occur based on the
circumstances of the tragedy. Overton states, “The count is based on
the amount of oil spilled into the gulf, the movement of the oil and
the scientifically accepted wildlife die-back numbers related to such
oil exposure.”

Overton insists that BP is not reaching and/or under reporting wildlife
harmed and/or killed by the Deep Horizon rig explosion and spill.
Overton is concerned that there is wildlife not being found and
treated. He is also concerned that BP has not mobilized volunteers for
a massive wildlife rescue that may be necessary when the oil more
widely comes ashore. “There are people ready, willing and able to
assist in this rescue. I think this should be a public process, not a
corporate-led process. In the past seven weeks BP has proved to be
more interested in controlling information than saving the people,
communities, ecosystems and animals of the gulf. It is ridiculous that
the oil company responsible for harming these animals continues to be
in charge of rescuing them. It is in BP’s best interest that animals
in distress die without ever being seen by the public – just suffer and
then fall dead to the bottom of the ocean. Instead of taking direction
from BP, our government agencies should be preparing to take a myriad
of legal actions against BP, including suits for violation of both the
Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act.”

PATH suggests that Federal and State Fish & Wildlife Service(s) be
given oversight of the wildlife rescue. Overton added, “BP can pay the
bill, but should not be involved or interfere as Fish & Wildlife work
with nonprofit organizations to institute and execute short and long
term plans for rescuing and rehabilitating all wildlife and damaged
wildlife habitat.

Many members of the US public have expressed a desire to help wildlife
in the gulf, but have been frustrated by a lack of opportunity. Overton
offers the following suggestions for ways US citizens may help save
threatened wildlife affected by the spill, and support PATH’s efforts.
What The Public Can Do To Help Wildlife Harmed By The BP Deep Horizon

* Contact United States Secretary of Interior Kenneth
Salazar at either (202) 208-3100 or and inform him
that you want US Fish & Wildlife Services, not BP, to command of all
aspects (and related communications) regarding the rescue and
rehabilitation of wildlife effected by the Deep Horizon spill.

* Contact Assistant Attorney General Ignacia S. Moreno at
(202) 514-2701 and request the Environment and Natural Resources
Division of the United States Department of Justice bring suit against
BP for violation of the Endangered Species and Marine Mammal
Protection, Migratory Bird Treaty and Clean Water Acts.

* File a Freedom Of Information Act Request at
Request information from US Fish & Wildlife and Marine & Fisheries
regarding all the harm done to wildlife and ecosystems by the Deep
Horizon spill, as well as BP’s involvement in the rescue and
rehabilitation of wildlife and restoration of wildlife habitats.

* Support PATH’s ongoing efforts to advocate for and
protect the animals and habitats of the gulf by visiting

People Protecting Animals & Their Habitats – PATH Inc., is a 501 (c ) 3
nonprofit corporation. Contact PATH at 617-354-2826
