EOC: Obama meeting notes

Commissioner Grover Robinson spoke about his conversation with President Barack Obama today. He was joined by Congressman Miller, Adm. Thad Allen,Senator LeMieux, Gov. Crist, CFO Sink, Mayor Wiggins and a few other state and county officials.

Four topics were covered in the 30-minute conversation:
1. More skimmers
2. Better communication and coordination with the counties
3. BP repayment
4. Economic recovery

Robinson said that Adm. Allen said that more skimmers are coming. The decision-making process for Florida will be moved to the state Emergency Management. A BP “evergreen” escrow will be set up for claims and will be managed by a third party. And Congressman Miller talked extensively about creating a new Go-Zone for economic recovery.

Robinson brought up the Air Tanker contract for Mobile. President Obama said that Gov. Riley had made the same pitch yesterday.

“I got a sense the President understood our problems,” said Robinson. “I expect him to lead us forward.”

Robinson said the County Administrator Larry Newsom reported that DEP will be paying for the boom, which is a welcomed change from the DEP position a week ago that all bills had to be submitted to BP.
