Tough days ahead for Pensacola Pass

From another email:

Based on my oceanography and marine tech degree and experience
Saturday 4am peaking at 6 am. If it’s coming through the pass, this is the time and the strongest influx. The current at it’s highest at 2.5 knots. Sunday is 2.4 knot beginning at 5am ending at 7 am. If there is Southerly winds then increase the speed of transport. I hope they are ready in the mornings because the next four days have high current speeds. Ebb is 4-5pm Saturday and the oil will follow the convergence layers in the bay. Ebb locations of convergence layers are the best time to track for overwash cleanup. DON’T USE THE TIDE CHARTSs it will be too late. This is basic Oceanography and data processing I used as a marine technician.

They need to boom with the currents in the pass not against like they are trying to do. This means longshore currents. I don’t understand why they don’t see this. The currents don’t follow their boom plan at all…
