BP says no sand being brought on to beach

Here is an email exchange between Pensacola City Councilman Larry Johnson and BP spokesperson Lucia Bustamante:

From: Larry B. Johnson [mailto:ljohnson@ci.pensacola.fl.us]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:36 PM
To: Bustamante, Lucia R
Cc: lbjjusa@aol.com
Subject: Sand?

Ms. Bustamante,
There are reports of sand being brought on Pensacola Beach and being placed over oil on sand. Is this true?

Please review video on Progressive Pensacola http://progressivepensacola.com/

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Larry B. Johnson
City Councilman – District 4


From: Bustamante, Lucia R [mailto:lucia.bustamante@bp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:53 PM
To: Larry B. Johnson
Subject: RE: Sand?

Councilman Johnson,
Definitely not true. The discolorations you are seeing in the sand are places where oil has been deposited before and cleaned up, or where sand has come into contact with oil and stained. The tarballs that we are finding underneath the sand are being deposited there by natural tidal and wave action, reason why we are combining our response to the clean-up with various methods (manual and automatic) so that we identify and pick-up everything, not only on the surface.

Hopefully this helps Councilman. Let me know if I can be of any further help.

