News: BP delayed decision for help

Bloomberg reports that Helix Energy Solutions Inc.’s offered in April its floating platform to help with BP oil recovery, but it took BP six weeks to accept the offer.

BP notified Helix June 10 that it wanted to lease the Helix Producer I platform to augment two other vessels that are receiving oil from the Macondo well, Kratz said. The delay meant Helix had to construct a collection tube from spare parts that will be plugged into a pipe just one-sixth the diameter of the main opening atop the well, he said.

“The ad-hoc way this has been reacted to has reduced the amount of oil captured,” Kratz said by telephone from Houston. “The connection to the vessel itself is jury-rigged because we’ve only had since June 10 to put it together.”

Remember BP told us repeatedly that they were sparing no expense. Read more.
