Evers Releases Statement On BP Fix


Statement by Representative Greg Evers on Reports that the

BP Deepwater Horizon is Capped

Baker, Fla. – Representative Greg Evers (R-Baker) today released the following statement regarding news reports that the BP Deepwater Horizon is capped.

“I join my neighbors in Northwest Florida today with an overwhelming sense of relief that the Deepwater Horizon well is capped.  While we must remain cautiously vigilant until the tests on the effectiveness and longevity of the cap are successfully completed, it is a tremendous relief that, after 87 endless days, right now, this moment oil is no longer spilling into the gulf.

“Yesterday, my colleagues in the House and Senate called for a Special Session in late August or September, solely focusing on relief, recovery and making our neighbors in Northwest Florida whole.

“I applaud this decision and intend to take the concerns of our fishermen, charter boat captains, and all families affected by this tragedy to Tallahassee to ensure that Northwest Florida is heard and taken care of.

“Tours, talk and inaction is not something we can afford, and this Special Session, solely focused on recovery, and the news on the cap, is welcome and overdue.”
