How to revoke petition signature

If you signed the Donovan/Nobles petition on design-build contract for the maritime park and you weren’t told that the referendum will cost the city nearly $12 million in New Market Tax Credits and another $6 million in penalties on the bonds if they are prepaid, you can get your signature card back.

If you were told that the referendum removed the stadium from the maritime park, you can get your signature card back.

If you were told that the maritime park is only stadium and they didn’t tell you about all the features, you can get your signature card back.

If you were told the stadium costs $15 million, you can get your signature card back.

If you believe that you were misled in signing, you can get your signature card back from Yes Park,No Stadium. We had a similar issue with the Donovan “No $48 Million Debt” petition last fall….the actual bond issue was several million less.

Then I spoke with Supervisor of Elections David Stafford about how a voter can take their name off a petition if they no longer want to be a part of it. Stafford said that there is no procedure under state law or the city charter that allows a voter to revocate their signature.

He suggested the best alternate is ask Mr. Donovan and the other people who have maintaining the petitions to return your signature card to you.

You can go by Donovan Realty at 223 Government St. or call 432-6104. You can write the chairman, Malcolm Johnston, at 1815 Whaley Ave., Pensacola FL 32503. If they refuse to return your signature card, please contact me, Or if you are afraid they will hassle you about it, we can get an attorney to help you.

The petition drive is now in its fourth week and they have yet to reach the necessary signatures to force another referendum. The groundswell of support Marty Donovan and Jack Nobles told us that they had must not have materialized. Donovan said when he and Jack announced the drive that he already had 4,000 signatures from last fall from last petition drive.

Who will Marty blame this time if he fails yet again? Or if he succeeds, how will he explain that the referendum won’t stop the stadium from being built? He is in a lose-lose situation, even if his ego won’t let him admit it.

Meanwhile Nobles has jumped ship and can hide behind his bank job when the media calls.
