Greg Brown responds to sign controversy

From Greg Brown campaign:

Milton—A video being distributed of Republican Greg Brown allegedly stealing opponent’s campaign signs has been proven false.

“Greg Brown called me several months ago for permission to place his sign on my property at State Road 87 and State Road 89 and I gave him exclusive permission to place his campaign signs there,” owner of the property, Don Dewrell said on Monday. “Within that exclusive permission he had the authority to remove any of his opponents’ signs that appeared on my property. None of his opponents asked for permission.”

“The video in question was deliberately taken and distributed to appear as if I had participated in some type of juvenile campaign trick.” Brown said. “After witnessing me removing the signs, as I had permission to do, rather than call the property owner or myself, Doug Broxson’s campaign anonymously dropped off the video with press, email lists, and the Sheriff’s department to discredit me.”

“The worse part of it all is Doug Broxson is wasting the law enforcement’s time and using the media for political cheap shots instead of campaigning on real issues. Just this past weekend I hand delivered a letter to Mr. Broxson demanding that he stop a “push” poll by his campaign or his supporters that falsely claimed I had been arrested for drunk driving,” Brown continued. “Doug Broxson will use whatever trick he can to win an election.”

Brown is Milton realtor, who has previously served as State Senator Durell Peaden’s Senior Legislative Assistant, worked as Northwest Florida Regional Assistant Director for U.S. Senator Mel Martinez and Constituent Services Coordinator for Congressman Jeff Miller.
