Donovan/Nobles petition fails

Marty Donovan and Jack Nobles failed to deliver their petition signatures at the close of business today to the city clerk at Pensacola City Hall. According to my sources, staff did call Mr. Donovan who requested that he be allowed to deliver them at 8:30 p.m. City Manager Al Coby refused to keep City Hall open for the realtor and former city councilman. Nobles appears to have abandoned ship.

Marty now has his scapegoat. He can blame Al Coby for his latest failure. Remember Donovan told us he had a groundswell of support—he had 4,000 signature last November, right? After 60 days, he failed…as he did in September 2006, November 2008 and December 2009. Even with the reduced threshold and expanded deadline for his latest petition drive, Donovan failed.

There isn’t sufficient support for his madness, never has been.

These petition drives are just masturbatory political exercises for Donovan. It’s amazing he roped Nobles and eight other citizens to follow him.

For the record, masturbatory is defined as “Excessively self-absorbed or self-indulgent.”
