Battle over health plan brewing

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas was elected due largely to the teachers, who wanted a change from the Jim Paul regime. Thomas kept most of the Jim Paul crew and there is grumbling among the rank and file over Thomas micro-management style. The latest controversy is over the changes to the health plan that was sent out by email Sunday:

On October 18th, all benefit eligible employees will be asked to participate in a “Mandatory” Open Enrollment for benefits. The reason for the “mandatory enrollment” is two-fold.

There will be significant changes to our health benefit plans and premiums due to 1) the implementation of the Federal Government’s Healthcare Reform initiatives, and 2) a projected $6 million deficit in our current plans (Base, Choice, PPO) due to healthcare cost increases that are projected for 2011.

Your Employee Benefit’s Committee (EBC) has been hard at work for the past several months making sure that the benefits offered to District employees and retirees remain “as good as or better” than competing employers. The EBC has made final recommendations for premiums and plan design changes to both the Bargaining Council and the Superintendent as required by current collective bargaining contracts. These EBC recommendations can be found on the District’s webpage under the “EMPLOYEE PORTAL” under the heading EMPLOYEE BENEFITS COMMITTEE-COMMITTEES FINAL HEALTH PLAN(S) AND PREMIUM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011.

I am encouraged by the diligence and commitment of the EBC to provide the best comprehensive benefit plans for all District employees considering the resources available. This plan will be presented to the School Board to either resolve or approve insurance issues pursuant to Master Contract Provisions Escambia Education Association – Article XIV.1.I Union of Escambia Education Staff Professionals – Article VI.1.

Bargaining Council representatives have been presenting the proposal throughout the District in preparation for the ratification vote. After the ratification vote is held and final approval by the Board on September 15th, the District will be providing an abundance of information to employees and retirees prior to Open Enrollment. I will assure you that every employee will have the opportunity to both understand and select the best plan available for themselves and their family during the upcoming Open Enrollment period.

I encourage you to review the information located in the Employee Portal and contact the Risk Management and Employee Benefits Department at 469-6267 if you have additional questions.

Malcolm Thomas
