Florida Legislature overrides 7 Crist vetoes

The Republicans with their super majority flexed there muscle yesterday by overriding 7 vetoes by Gov. Charlie Crist. However, they didn’t tackle the most controversial vetoes: SB 6 teacher tenure package and a bill to require women to view an ultrasound before they can get an abortion.

Here is what was overturned:
Veto of a bill repealing a law requiring disclosures of residential property windstorm mitigation ratings to home buyers in wind-borne debris regions sailed through both chambers with not a single vote sustaining the governor’s veto.

Veto of a bill on solid waste disposal that allows local governments to deposit yard waste in dumps also passed by a wide margin — with 114 votes in the House and unanimous backing in the Senate.

Veto of a bill clarifying the sale of agricultural land passed the House unanimously.

Veto of a bill on petroleum cleanups.

Veto of a measure requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to establish a database on all state lands.

Veto of a bill that would require the Department of Transportation to provide written notification of state highway projects to local governments and affected homeowners.

Line-item veto that struck from the budget $9.7 million appropriated to Shands Teaching Hospital.
