One more time….with feeling


I posted this as a comment at the end of one of the Suter posts and thought it might help to post again here. Our readership has gone up significantly in February. Some may not understand what blogging, and particularly this blog, is all about.


The purpose of this blog is to open discussion on topics. I share what I’ve heard on the street. I share my opinions. At times I use satire, humor and parodies to make a point. I don’t worry about being 100 % accurate, but I correct mistakes when they’re pointed out.

It’s not a newspaper. With this blog, it’s the exchange of ideas and opinions that’s important.

I allow fairly open debate and regret when it goes negative or personal, but usually those who post to this site rein the bad ones back in. I’ve deleted the more offensive comments and banned some people from the site.

The blog surfaces issues and provides a forum that’s lacking in this community. It’s why it’s one of the most popular in Northwest Florida and the state.

The impact of this blog across the political landscape of this community is profound. It helped pass the Community Maritime Park and put an end to Save Our City. You can see its influence in statements made by public officials and changes in policies. Heck, even WEAR TV 3 upped its coverage of the House District 3 race last night – after we scooped them in the primaries.

As this blog has grown, I have noticed the progession of the comments on the more popular posts:

1) Open debate – good ideas

2) Attacks on each other – and at about the 60 or 70th comment

3) Attack on me for ever posting the original item.

You are free to read or not, comment or not, and most definitely free to start your own blog.

