Feinberg admits transparency issue

ProPublica: Ken Feinberg, head of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility that is handling the BP claims process, has admitted his process is plagued with opaque decision-making and poor communications and promised to make several changes:

1. Post a description of his methodology for evaluating claims online within 10 days.

2. Place staffers on the ground to answer claimants’ questions and assist them with their applications. (He promised this in September)

3. New “quick-pay” option that will be available to claimants who were approved for emergency payments. These applicants can opt for a one-time payment of $5,000 for individuals and $25,000 for businesses, which they can receive without providing any additional documentation, if they agree to forgo the right to sue for damages.

4. Provide a free lawyer to any claimant who requested one. (But who chooses the attorney?)

Read article.
