Gwen Appelquist passes away

Quint Studer let me know that Gwen Applequist, former Pensacola Chamber chairman, realtor extraordinaire, Director of Charitable Giving of the Studer Foundation and mentor to hundreds over the years, passed away on Valentine’s Day.

Here is note that Quint posted on his Facebook page:

Gwen Appelquist passed away today at Covenant Hospice. As always Gwen and God chose the perfect day for a perfect lady. Valentines Day. Gwen role modeled kindness and giving. Thank you to Covenant Hospice for the love given to Gwen in her final days.

Gwen was an inspiration to many of us. We profiled her in 2008. Here is the article:

When Gwen Appelquist was five years old, her father took her and her older brother and sister out of class to see their mother one last time. Gwen’s mother was dying. She had been suffering from an illness that left her paralyzed on her left side and bedridden for six months.

“She told me that the Lord was taking her home,” Gwen, now 83, says with a slight tremble in her voice and tears in her eyes. “She wanted me to always do the right thing, even when it was difficult. She told me to live a good life and be a good girl.”

Those words have stayed with Gwen Appelquist and have guided her to be an inspiration to generations in this community.

“I once read somewhere that motivation was self-focused, whereas inspiration was other-focused,” says Debbie Ritchie, who works with Gwen at the Studer Group. “That would certainly explain why Gwen is inspirational. It’s Gwen’s spirit that inspires. What she does is done from the soul, out of love and generosity. She lives her life in service to others, and her passion and desire to make a difference is contagious.”

When the Independent News asked its readers to submit names of people who inspire them, Gwen’s name was submitted more than any other. The paper was looking for men and women who are not only visionaries but also doers. Over 65 names were sent in to the paper. The nominees came in all ages, races and backgrounds, but they each have a knack for seeing solutions, not just problems. They motivate others to be the best that they can possibly be.

Gwen Appelquist stood out because at age 80 she chose to leave real estate, a career in which she had much success, not to retire, but to become the director of charitable giving for Rishy and Quint Studer and the Studer Group.

As a realtor, Gwen was a super star for nearly 40 years. She was president of the Pensacola Board of Realtors, president of the Florida Association of Realtors’ Women’s Council and a governor of the National Association of Realtors’ Women’s Council.

For the IN interview, Gwen dressed impeccably in a navy blue dress with a white linen jacket. “When I first became a realtor in 1966, I saw a need for someone to take newcomers by the hand,” she shares. “I helped my clients get acquainted with Pensacola. I would take them to the schools that their kids would be attending. I paid their utility deposits and brought them lunch on moving day. I made sure that they invested in a good home in a good location.”

In a community so dominated by male leaders, Gwen was selected to be the first female board chairman of the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce in 1993.

“It was a real challenge,” she says. “People asked, How do you get along with all those men?’ I told them, I treat them with respect and expect to be treated with respect in return.’

“I never had a problem.”

As the director of charitable giving for the Studers and the Studer Group, Gwen handles a budget of $650,000. She deals each month with dozens of fund requests that she analyzes and reviews.

“I love this company,” Gwen says with a smile. “I am constantly learning new things and growing. There are so many sharp young people here in the Studer Group. I feel like I have to work extra hard to do what’s expected.”

“But I’m a bit of a perfectionist,” she adds.

When asked what advice that she has for young people today, Gwen is very direct.

“Have compassion for other people.”

And it is Gwen Appelquist’s compassion for others that has placed her at the top of the 2008 Most Inspirational People. It’s similar compassion that has set apart the other 14 finalists on this first-ever list for the Pensacola area.
