Escambia County Seeing a Reduction in Crime

A new proactive crime-fighting unit, more deputies on the street and a focus on gun related crimes has resulted in a reduction of crime in Escambia County.

One month after the implementation of these tactics as well as other tactics outlined in a strategic plan aimed at reducing violent crimes in Escambia County, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has seen an overall decrease in crime.

Since December of 2010, the Sheriff’s Office has seen a steady decrease in index crimes, which includes crimes against persons such as homicide, sex offenses, robbery and aggravated assault or battery, and property crimes such as burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft. Crimes against persons declined 13 percent from December 2010 to January 2011 and 20 percent from January 2011 to February 2011. Property crimes declined seven percent from December to January and six percent from January to February.
When compared to the previous year’s crime statistics, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office also saw a decrease in total index crimes including a 25 percent decrease in crimes against persons and a three percent decrease in property crimes. Arrests were up five percent in January compared to the previous year.

This trend continued in February with a continued reduction in total index crimes although there was a slight increase in property crimes of seven percent. Crimes against persons in February 2011 declined 41 percent from 166 crimes in February 2010 to 97 crimes in February 2011. Arrests were down by three percent compared to February 2010, which could be attributed to the reduction in criminal activity.

“The increase we are seeing in property crimes is mostly made up of larceny offenses, which can be economically driven. We take this information very seriously and hope that our community policing efforts and increases in our Neighborhood Watch Programs will assist us in reducing these numbers,” said Sheriff David Morgan.

This overall decline in crime in Escambia County can be attributed to the increase in the number of officers patrolling the community through both the Tactical Anti-crime Unit (TAC) and the Desk to Road Program. The Sheriff’s Office implemented the TAC Unit in September of 2010 and increasing it to a 14-person unit in November of 2010. This unit focuses on community policing efforts in high crime areas, street-level drug activity and violent crimes.

The Desk to Road program, implemented in January of 2011, requires officers assigned to administrative positions at the Sheriff’s Office to dedicate time during their workweek to patrolling the community and supplementing the patrol section. This is in addition to their normal work requirements and includes officers of all ranks.

Citizens can access information about crimes in their neighborhood by visiting Crime Reports on