Rick Scott coming to Pensacola

Press Release: The Escambia County Republican Executive Committee (“ECREC”) is pleased to announce that we will be hosting Governor Rick Scott at our 2011 Lincoln Day Dinner at New World Landing in Pensacola on the evening of Friday, March 25, 2011. This dinner is a fundraiser for the local Republican Party and all of the money raised will support the local party’s grassroots activities.

We will be providing the opportunity for individuals, local businesses and legislators to be sponsors of our Lincoln Day Dinner. The success of our Lincoln Day Dinner will be credited largely to our sponsors who lend their names and financial support to the event. Before we begin to offer sponsorships to the public, I wanted to provide you with the opportunity to be a sponsor of this event, should you so desire. I have attached a sponsorship application for your review. If you are interested in being a sponsor of our Lincoln Day Dinner, please let me know.

The ECREC will be offering all tickets to the Lincoln Day Dinner at $50 each. We hope that a ticket price at that level will allow more people to afford to attend.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope that we can look forward to having you as a sponsor and as an attendee at our 2011 Lincoln Day Dinner. Thank you in advance for your continuing support of the local Republican Party!