Surprise: O’Keefe NPR sting heavily edited

Quote of the Day: There are “two ways to lie,” Al Tompkins, a senior faculty member for broadcasting and online at the Poynter Institute, told NPR, “One is to tell me something that didn’t happen. And the other is not to tell me something that did happen.” After comparing O’Keefe’s edited tape to the longer version, “I think that they employed both techniques in this,” Tompkins says.

Last week James O’Keefe released a video that he claimed showed NPR had a liberal bent and was anti-GOP and Tea Party. Now that others have had time to review the entire two-hour video, it’s clear that O’Keefe didn’t fairly present what happened.

Glenn Beck’s website, The Blaze, questions O’Keefe’s ethics – Read more.

NPR reported on it this morning. Here.
