Buzz: Tate incident could be tip of the iceberg

I received this email from reader whose wife teaches in the Escambia County Public School District:

“I’ve always told my spouse and other friends who work in the Escambia school district that I wish, WISH that they could report half of what goes on in the schools to the public. I don’t even know where to begin.

The disciplinary problems are insurmountable! And there is literally nothing that can be done. New teachers with annual contracts, are afraid to report these problems because they are subsequently accused of having poor classroom management skills…..for example, threats of physical harm directly to the teacher and other student’s going unreported…….15-year-old male masturbating in class, teacher disciplined for lack of classroom management skills, masturbating child..absolutely no ramifications….tip of the iceberg, I could go on and on.

Teachers who have their annual contracts, even if they are able to document enough times just to get a referral, when the student finally gets a referral, they come back with a smirk on their face knowing that it was a waste of time for all involved.

You have no idea how poorly the Escambia school system functions…. it is totally broken and this is being hidden from the parents who care….I personally, do not have to wonder why our schools are failing. I know.”
