Scott’s advisor Rhee caught in possible cheating scandal

As the District of Columbia’s former public schools chief, Michelle Rhee rode soaring student test scores to a national reputation as a model education reformer. She is a counselor to Gov. Rick Scott on how to restructure education in Florida. Rhea loved the so called “merit pay” for teachers.

USA Today published an investigative report questioning whether cheating drove some of those Rhea’s gains. The paper, which is owned by the same corporation that owns the News Journal, focused on Crosby S. Noyes Education Center, the crown jewel of Rhea’s district. Noyes was a National Blue Ribbon School for its dramatic turnaround in test scores.

A USA TODAY investigation has found that for the past three school years most of Noyes’ classrooms had extraordinarily high numbers of erasures on standardized tests–erasures that changed wrong answers to the correct ones.

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