BP letter to Gulf residents

This is from the text of the full page ads that BP is running in daily newspapers across the South. I hate spin doctors. Their message is filled with half-truths.

Dear Pensacola and other Gulf Coast cities,

Soon a year will have passed since the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf. From the beginning, we have taken responsibility for the cleanup. Our commitment to the Gulf remains unchanged, as does our responsibility to keep you informed.

No oil has flowed into the Gulf since July 15th. As our efforts continue, nearly 100% of the waters are open and the beaches are clean and open. To ensure its safety, Gulf seafood has been more rigorously tested by independent researchers and experts than any other seafood in the world. To date, BP has spent more than $13 billion in clean-up costs.

An additional $282 million has been spent on environmental issues, including wildlife rescue and restoration of wildlife refuges across the region. We have also committed $500 million to the Gulf of Mexico Research Institute to fund scientific studies on the potential impact of the spill.

$5 billion in claims have already been paid. We’ve committed $20 billion to an independent fund to pay for environmental restoration and all legitimate claims, including lost incomes. More than $200 million in grants have been made to the Gulf Coast States to promote tourism and seafood.

This was a tragedy that never should have happened. Our responsibility is to learn from it and share with competitors, partners, governments and regulators to help ensure that it never happens again.

We know we haven’t always been perfect but we are working to live up to our commitments, both now and in the future.

Love and kisses,

