Fairhope to get Pulitzer hotel and library

Press Release: Mac Pulitzer, great-grandson of Pulitzer Prize founder Joseph Pulitzer and son of New York Times best-selling author Roxanne Pulitzer, is moving to the coastal town of Fairhope, Ala., to open the nation’s first Pulitzer Hotel featuring the Pulitzer Library in its lobby.

“I had never heard of Fairhope until I met my wife, Kourtney,” Pulitzer said. “Kourtney’s extended family is from Fairhope, and she vacationed inFairhope, swimming in Mobile Bay and roaming the scenic downtown area. My wife and I have visitedFairhope many times, and each time I learned more and more of the incredibly rich literary history in this place which sits on the highest sea cliff from Maine to Mexico.”

Home to two Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, two Pulitzer Prize nominees, 14 Oscar nominations, six Academy Awards, four New York Times best-selling authors and many other acclaimed authors, Fairhope is, to say the least, remarkable.

“During the last couple of years I have been looking for the perfect place to open a luxury boutique hotel,” Pulitzer said. “About eight months ago Kourtney’s uncle, Mike Bernhardt, showed me a parcel of land he was developing right in the heart of the downtown area, and I knew immediately this was the location for what I had in mind.”
