Help Favor House

Press Release: FavorHouse of Northwest Florida will host its annual White Rose Luncheon Thursday, May 12th, at 11:00 AM at Sanders Beach-Corrine Jones Community Center, 913 S. I Street in Pensacola. Former Circuit Judge Kim Skievaski will be the guest speaker.

FavorHouse of Northwest Florida, a not-for-profit organization providing shelter and services to domestic violence victims (women, children and men) and counseling to batterers in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. In 2005, FavorHouse established the White Rose Luncheon as its annual signature event to honor survivors of domestic violence and to highlight the courage these women displayed in breaking away from a life of pain and horror.

Individual tickets for the event are $50. All proceeds go to FavorHouse’s domestic violence shelter program.
The goal is to save and to change the lives of victims in our community. To learn more, call 434-1177 or visit us online at
