Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future, argues on the website Truthout that the rich don’t create jobs and that taxing the rich doesn’t kill jobs.
His points:
You employ the right number of people to meet the demand your business has. Jobs are based on work demand, not how much a company has in the bank. A good example is the oil industry where there are record profits, but no announcements of big job creation.
Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation. Taxes are on profits, implying money has been made.
People coming in the door and buying things is what creates jobs. It’s not the wealth of the owner or their offspring. Consumers drive job creation.
Democracy Creates Jobs with the rich having a greater responsibility than the rest of us because they receive the most benefit from it. Democracy has a cost.
Taxes Are The Lifeblood Of Democracy And The Prosperity That Democracy Produces In a democracy the rich are supposed to pay more to cover things like building and maintaining the roads and schools because these are the things that enable their wealth. They actually do use the roads and schools more because the roads enable their businesses to prosper and the schools provide educated employees.
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